The Law Firm of JUDr. CIMRÁK s.r.o.
has been providing legal services and legal counselling in Slovakia since 1995. Since its establishment, it has held a significant position on the market and has created a stable team of lawyers and clerks. The firm covers all legal fields.
Our main goal is thorough resolution of legal problems of clients being legal as well as private persons. The high quality of our work is based on erudition, professional approach, long years of experience and individual, as well as comprehensive approach to our clients.
The law firm is currently run by two managing partners, namely JUDr. Miloš Cimrák and JUDr. Ing. Martin Cimrák, LLM. At the same time, the firm also has two associate lawyers and several clerks.
JUDr. Miloš Cimrák graduated from law at the Comenius University in 1983, where he also passed the rigorous exam. He has been a practising lawyer since 1995. Until then he acquired extensive experience in the field of law, mainly the law of social assurance (he established and managed the branch of the Social Insurance Company in Nitra), land law and restitution, labour law as well as administrative law. These represent his favourite fields of law even today. He also attends to criminal, commercial, civil and family law.
JUDr. Ing. Martin Cimrák, LLM, graduated from law at the University of Matej Bel in 2007. One year later he successfully completed his studies of finances, banking and investment at the Faculty of Economy of the University of Matej Bel. During his studies, he spent several semesters abroad within the framework of exchange programmes at the University in Augsburg and at the Fachhoschule Kempten (both in Germany). In 2014, he completed the postgraduate degree of the Slovak Business Law in the European Union at the Nottingham Trent University. Today, he specialises in tax law, commercial law, law in health care and medicine, as well as juvenile crimes. He also attends to other areas of law, such as administrative law and civil law.

Pursuant to the law on advocacy, the execution of advocacy involves:
- representation of clients in proceedings before the court, public administration authorities and other legal entities
- defence in criminal proceeding
- provision of legal advice
- judicial and out-of-court dispute settlement
- drawing up deeds on legal acts
- other forms of legal counselling and legal aid
- client asset management
- processing of legal analyses
The Law Firm of JUDr. CIMRÁK s.r.o. provides comprehensive legal services mainly in the following legal areas:
- commercial law
- civil law
- family law
- financial law
- bankruptcy and restructuring
- international private law
- intellectual property law
- constitutional law
- law of European Communities
- competition law
- criminal law
- administrative law
- labour law

Our priority is to ensure accordance of the client expectations with the possibilities and abilities of the lawyer upon mutual confidence and satisfaction of both parties.
- JUDr. Miloš Cimrák
- JUDr. Ing. Martin Cimrák, LLM
- Mgr. Samuel Bányi
- JUDr. Zuzana Miklošová